Monday, June 22, 2009

8 week photos

Pups are just about ready to go to their new homes. Evaluations went well and I think I know which pups are going to which homes. I am getting sad to see them leave but happy to know they'll bring joy and happiness to many families.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

7 week photos

The countdown is on for those who are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their puppy from the Susa B litter. Here's their photos at 7 weeks.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6 week Photos

You have no idea how many photos it took just to get these shots!! 6 week old puppies are not the most accommodating when it comes to standing still! Enjoy as these guys are growing like weeds and before you know they'll be headed to their forever homes. It'll be a sad time but happy to know they'll be with such wonderful families.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Candid Photos at 6 weeks of age

Reni & White and Reni playing outside with pups

Orange hangin out and Light Blue with Reni playing in the house (because it's cold and snowy outside!) It is June right?

Purple being photogenic!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Outside in our playpen

Puppies are enjoying their days outside in their playpen.
When Jason is home we let them run around in the big yard
with Reni but it is very hard to keep track of all 8 of them by
myself so I only let them run for a few minutes when I'm home alone.
Yesterday (Tuesday) they spent almost 12 hours outside as it was a gorgeous day.
They were very displeased to come in the house for the evening but once they ate their supper
and had a little play, they fell peacefully asleep.

Dawn, our puppy sitter ended up very ill yesterday and is recovering from a severe kidney infection. We're wishing her a quick recovery and the puppies send their love to her.

Monday, June 1, 2009

5 week photos

White & Light Blue

Purple & Yellow

Green & Orange
Sky Blue & Pink
As you might have figured out, things are getting very busy in our house. As pups grow and become more active, I have less time to post about their antics. I will do my best to give updates as time permits but rest assured that they are having a great time and have experienced the outdoors for the first time this past weekend. They spend quite a bit of time outside as long as it's warm enough and then we let Reni run them around the yard until she gets tired of them trying to nurse on her. It's very cute to watch. I promise I will try to get some video of it and post it but please be patient. The 5 week photos aren't the best but it was late at night and I was very tired and the pups were very awake!! Everyone tells me that in about 3 weeks I'll be ready for the pups to go to their new homes but at this point I can't possibly imagine that! Their personalities are really starting to come through and for the most part, they're a lot of fun! They're learning how to use a litter box and while not consistent they are using it so that makes cleaning their living area a little messy. OK, so here are the 5 week photos!